Friday, May 26, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of May 22, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of May 22, 2017

We had such a great week!  Thank you to all the dads, grandpa’s, and uncles that came to enjoy DONUTS WITH DAD.  It was so nice seeing everyone enjoy the hard work we put into the Father’s Day books.

Religion:  This week we reviewed the Golden Rule and reminded each other what it means to treat others the way we want to be treated.  We learned that when we hear about the “trinity” it is the “Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Language Arts – This week we practiced identifying capital and lowercase X/x/, Y/y and Z/z.  We associated picture names with /x/, /y/, /z/ and worked on identifying and creating rhyming words.  We worked with recognizing and writing question marks and exclamation marks.  Our vocabulary words were:  swell, windmill, ordinary, extraordinary, and creative.  We worked on our comprehension and fluency skills by rereading, drawing conclusions, and determining important ideas We worked with understanding meaning and pronunciation of plural –s.  We worked on our comprehension skills by using our prior knowledge, associating pictures with sentences, and recalling details.  We also worked with sequencing a story using the words first, next, last.  In addition, we used past, present, future when discussing stories we read.

Math – This week we continued working with identifying by naming and describing three dimensional shapes.  We worked with cones, cubes, cylinders, and spheres.  Our vocabulary focus was:  curved, flat surface, roll, slide, stack, alike, different.  We also worked with two dimension shapes and created our own robot pictures.

Mon, 5/29/17          NO SCHOOL—Memorial Day
Tues, 5/30/17           6:30 8th grade graduation
Wed, 5/31/17          Dress Down Day; clean up day
THURS, 6/1/17          DRESS UP DAY!!  DISMISSAL AT 11:00
                                    NO 11:00 BUSSES OR AFTERCARE!!

                                    8:30 Mass – please join us J

Relaxing while we read!

Creating our own Very Hungry Caterpillar books

Donuts with Dad

Dietzel Diary - Week of May 15, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of May 15, 2017

What a great week!  It was great having beautiful, hot weather for our trip to the Akron Zoo.  We have been working really hard getting ready for Donuts with Dad next week.  We made books and picture with a special poem.  Please keep in mind that dad, grandpa, uncle, older brother (at a different school), cousin, neighbor … whomever you and your child choose is welcome.  If no one can come it is not a problem.  Mr. Gless, Mr. Misch or Mr. DiBacco are always happy to step in J

Butterfly Update:  We were able to complete our Butterfly Journals this week because ALL 10 of our butterflies emerged from their chrysalis!  We released the butterflies in the Parsonage prayer garden.  We were able to see close up how butterflies use their tongue like a straw to suck the nectar out of a flower.

Religion:  This week we recognized that when we help and care for others we are living God’s love.  Living love shows love for God.
Language Arts – This week we continued working on increasing our comprehension skills by re-reading the skit, The Glum Princess.  We used our prior knowledge, recognized text structure, identified characters, and confirmed predictions.  We looked at multiple meaning words such as present.  We worked with vocabulary words huff, puff, costumes, props, scenery.  We have been working with blending sounds to decode words, as well as segmenting words and focusing on the medial vowel sounds.
Math:  This week we continued working with identifying by naming and describing three dimensional shapes.  We worked with cones, cubes, cylinders, and spheres.  Our vocabulary focus was:  curved, flat surface, roll, slide, stack, alike, different.  We also worked with two dimension shapes. 

Language Arts—Reading and writing J/j/
Math—Geometry – three dimensional shapes

Tuesday, May 23    7:15 AM – 7:45 AM Donuts with Dad
Friday, May 26        Dress Down Day & Staff vs 8th grade Volleyball Game

Monday, May 29   NO SCHOOL—Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 30    6:30 8th Grade Graduation

Thursday, June 1   LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!  11:00 Dismissal