Sunday, May 7, 2017

Dietzel Diary - May 1, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of May 1, 2017

Although the weather was not much fun this week, we had lots of fun playing and building together.  We spent a lots of time in cooperative play learning how to negotiate and work together.  We worked on understanding that we live in the city of Akron, in the state of Ohio, located in the United States of America.  We learned that Canada is north of us and Mexico is south.

Religion:  This week we worked on learning the Hail Mary.  We realized that Mass is prayer of thanks for God’s love.
Language Arts:  This week we practiced our handwriting and encoding words V/v/.  We worked on building our background and vocabulary.  We read a story, The Pet Hospital, and learned about a veterinarian does.  Our vocabulary focus was: gull and pet hospital.  We worked with rhyming and word families –op, -amp, -ump.  Our memory words for the week were:  put, for.   
Math:  We continued to work on identifying, naming and describing shapes.  This week we focused on rectangles and hexagons.  We are learning how to identify and describe shapes by recognizing how many straight lines and vertices the shape has.
Science:  We are learning about butterflies.  Our caterpillars arrived last week as tiny little guys laying on their food.  By Monday they were big and fat.  By Friday they had all formed their chrysalides and are now hanging in our butterfly pavilion.


Wednesday, 7:15-7:45 Muffins with Mom

Language Arts—Reading and writing W/w/ words; –an, -et,-est
Math—Geometry – three dimensional shapes

Wednesday, May 10         7:15 AM – 7:45 AM Muffins with Mom
                                             6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Art Show (PAC)
Friday, May 12                    8:30 Mass

Week of May 15th Book Fair Monday – Thursday (Bogo Special!)

Tuesday, May 16                6:30 PTO Meeting
Wednesday, May 17         K & 1st Grade Field Trip to Akron Zoo
Friday, May 19                    8:30 Mass

Tuesday, May 23                7:15 AM – 7:45 AM Donuts with Dad
Friday, May 26                    Dress Down Day & Staff vs 8th grade Volleyball Game

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