Friday, February 2, 2018

Dietzel Diary - Week of January 28, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of January 28, 2018

What an amazing week!  We have been so busy learning and having fun during Catholic Schools Week.  Please check out our Kindercub Blog for more pictures!

Thank you to everyone that visited our classroom during Open House.  I hope you enjoyed the poem our class wrote for you.

Monday – Celebrating Students
We enjoyed a dress down day – always fun!  Students worked in mixed grade groups (K-2nd grade) to learn about three different types of poetry.  They then wrote their own poems in each style.  Students are working on writing and illustrating their own poem, which will be published in a hardback book.  The information on purchasing our Class Poetry book will be sent home next week.

In the afternoon we worked with mixed groups (K-8th grade) to make bookmarks for the Cleveland Seminarians.

Thank you to PTO for providing ice cream treats!

Tuesday – Celebrating Community
We learned about the devastation and support still needed in Puerto Rico after hurricanes Irma and Maria hit last year.  As a way of supporting the people of Puerto Rico we are putting on a Fun Fair! Friday evening 6:00-7:30.  Each class planned a fun game for the evening.  Our class is creating a BALLOON POP. We did a great job painting our board like a rainbow.
We participated in Adoration in the afternoon.  Adoration is a ceremony that includes Scripture readings, hymns, prayers and time for silent adoration.  During Adoration the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.

We decorated candles with colorful paper.  The candles will be used at Friday’s Mass. Candles will come home on Friday.  Please keep in mind that the candles CAN NOT BE BURNED!

We planned and prepared our BALLOON POP game for Friday night’s Family Fun Fair!

Wednesday – Celebrating Nation
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) taught us about how plants use water each day.  We learned about impervious and pervious surfaces, and how they help and harm our environment.  We also learned about rain gardens/rain barrels and soil boxes.

In the afternoon Mr. Doug, a scientist with the NEORSD, shared his bug collection.  We learned a lot about why bugs, especially bees are so important to for our environment.

Thursday – Celebrating Vocations
We worked with our K-8th graded mixed groups to make cards with supportive messages for the Cleveland Seminarians.  We will send the cards and bookmarks to the Seminarians next week.

A huge thank you to everyone that participated in the Teacher Luncheon.  Our parent volunteers that watched our classes and parents that provided the wonderful food was very much appreciated.

Friday – Celebrating Liturgy
We participated in Mass in honor of Candlemas.  Fr. Pfeiffer blessed our candles and we processed from the PAC into the Church.  Please remember that the candles are blessed and should not be thrown away.  If you do not want the candle, please return it.  The candles are covered in paper and ModPodge.  Please DO NOT light the candle!

In the afternoon we set up our booth in Boeke Hall for the Fun Fair.  Please be sure to join us for food, games, and lots of fun!!

Thurs, 2/8/18           K/1 Book Club

Tues, 2/13/18          100th Day of School!!
Thurs, 2/15/18        3:00 – 8:00 Conferences, NO BOOK CLUB
Fri, 2/16/18              NO SCHOOL

Mon, 2/19/18         NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
Thurs, 2/22/18        K/1 Book Club

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