News from
Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
of November 14, 2016
Wow! This
was a very busy, fast week for us! We
have been working hard learning about different ways to measure time. We used a clock, the calendar, and our
birthday graph to help us. We learned
there are seven days in a week and 12 months in a year. We also learned about time lines by looking
at the stories like The Three Bears. This week we have been playing matching
games. We are matching color words to
color chips and number words to numbers.
We completed reading our first long read aloud book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Please ask your child what happened! We will start a new book when we return from
Thanksgiving Break.
Canned Food Drive – Thank you to
everyone that has sent in canned and boxed goods for the Akron/Canton Food
Pantry. We will continue to collect
items through next Tuesday.
Christmas Vacation Change!! Please read the flyer coming home about the
change to our Christmas break. Our last
day has been moved to FRIDAY, DECEMBER
16TH. Our birthday party
for Jesus will be Friday afternoon.
Religion: This week we continued to learn about our
senses that are gifts from God. We
should appreciate each of our senses and thank God for them.
Language Arts: This week we worked with beginning and ending
S/s/ and L/l/. We are
continuing to work with blending the first two letters in words as a decoding
strategy. We worked
with adding missing letters from words to create words that matched a
picture. This is the first step in
learning how to spell words out of context!
Our vocabulary focus was:
lullaby, quilt. Our comprehension
strategies included: drawing conclusions
from pictures.
Math: This week we continued working on
representing, counting and writing the numbers 8 and 9. We looking at different ways to represent
numbers using a 10-frame chart. We have
used cubes, counters and stickers to help us learn what numbers look like. Please keep helping your child read and match
number words to numbers.
BISTRO is Tuesday!! Please don’t forget to dress UP in your best
and bring your favorite book. If you
would like to donate food or drinks, or help be a server, please contact our
room mom, Danae Williams at 330-631-7337 or
Friday, Nov. 18 – 6:30-9:00 Family Dance ($3 a person or
$10 Family)
Monday, Nov. 21 – 8:30 Mass
Tuesday, Nov. 22 – 1:30 Book Bistro
Sunday, Nov. 27 – Advent Begins
Wednesday, Nov. 30 – FIELD TRIP to Weathervane
Tuesday, Dec. 6 – Secret Santa Shop
Friday, Dec. 9 – Make Gingerbread
Houses with 4th Grade Reading Buddies
Monday, Dec. 12 – 6:30 CHRISTMAS
Tuesday, Dec. 13 – Polar Express
Day/Pajama Day!
Wednesday, Dec. 16 – Mass; Birthday
Party for Jesus