Sunday, November 20, 2016

Dietzel Diary - Week of November 7, 2016

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of November 7, 2016

This week we continued learning about elections.  We talked about reasons to vote for each candidate – Duck, Grace, Mrs. Dietzel.  I was so pleased that I won the Kindergarten Presidency – although it was a tough race against Duck.   We explored Google Earth by looking up everyone’s address and zooming in.  It was fun to see how far/close everyone lives. On Thursday afternoon we attended the Pie Throwing Assembly.  The student that brought in the most donations for each class had an opportunity to throw a pie in either Fr. Pfeiffer’s or Principal DiBacco’s face.  Anthony had the honor of tossing a pie at Father – nice job Anthony!!

Canned Food Drive -- please consider donating canned or boxed goods for the Akron/Canton Food Pantry.  This is a good opportunity to teach your child about giving to others less fortunate.  We have been talking about ways your child can earn extra money to pay for their donations.


Religion:  This week we learned how Hannah shared her feelings with God and others.  We discovered that our senses are gifts from God.  We should appreciate each of our senses and thank God for them.

Language Arts:  This week we worked with beginning and ending S/s/ and L/l/.  We worked with rhyming words, creating word family –og and –ot lists.  We are working with blending the first two letters in words as a decoding strategy.  Our vocabulary focus was:  bag and gloves.  Our comprehension strategies included:  using prior knowledge, associating pictures with words, drawing conclusions, and recognizing plot.

Math:  This week we worked on representing, counting and writing the numbers 8 and 9.  We are looking at different ways to get to 5-9.  We filled up our 100’s chart -- which means we have been in school for over 50 days!  We took all the numbers out of the chart and are starting over.  When we fill it up again we will celebrate our 100th day of school.



Language Arts:  We will continue working with the beginning L/l sounds.  We will be learning about homophones.

Math:  We will continue working on representing, counting and writing numbers 9 & 10.


Tuesday, Nov. 15 – 6:30 PTO Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 16 – K/1 Book Club

Friday, Nov. 18 – 6:30-9:00 Family Dance ($3 a person or $10 Family)

Tuesday, Nov. 22 – 1:30 Book Bistro


Wednesday, Nov. 30 – FIELD TRIP to Weathervane


Thursday, Dec. 8 – Polar Express Day/Pajama Day!


Monday, Dec. 12 – 6:30 CHRISTMAS CONCERT

Friday, Dec. 16 – Make Gingerbread Houses with 4th Grade Reading Buddies

Wednesday, Dec. 21 – Birthday Party for Jesus

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