Friday, November 18, 2016

Dietzel Diary - Week of October 31, 2016

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of October 31, 2016

A HUGE thank you to everyone that helped with our Halloween Parade and party.  The kids had lots of fun and really enjoyed the snacks provided.  They loved decorating the cupcake boxes, too!  This week we have been learning about all the wonderful advantages of being an American.  We have talked a lot about what freedom means.  We have been looking at different symbols that represent and remind us of being American’s.  We focused on the Statue of Liberty, Liberty Bell, bald eagle, White House, and the U.S. flag.

Report Cards were sent home today.  Please sign the envelope and return it next week. 

Religion:  This week we learned what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how Saints help us.  We were able to attend a special Mass for All Saints Day on Tuesday.  We also talked about our different feelings and God understands how we feel.
Language Arts:  This week we worked with beginning and ending S/s/.  we also worked with medial /o/ and /a/.    Our vocabulary focus was:  bag and gloves.  Our comprehension strategies included:  using prior knowledge, associating pictures with words, drawing conclusions, and recognizing plot.
Math:  This week we worked on representing, counting and writing the numbers 7 and 8.  We are using a 10-frame to represent numbers.  We used cube trains and markers to represent numbers.  We continued working on recognizing and creating patterns.

Language Arts:  We will continue working with beginning and ending S/s/ sounds. We will completing our Social Studies book of American symbols.
Math:  We will continue working on representing, counting and writing numbers 8 & 9.

Sunday, Nov. 6 – Daylight Savings
Tuesday, Nov. 8 – Election Day
Wednesday, Nov. 9 – K/1 Book Club
Thursday, Nov 10 – Walk-a-thon Reward Pie Throwing 2:15 in the PAC
Wednesday, Nov. 16 – K/1 Book Club
Tuesday, Nov. 22 – 1:30 Book Bistro
Wednesday, Nov. 30 – FIELD TRIP to Weathervane

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