Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of January 9, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of January 9, 2017

Tuesday’s Snow Day was quite a surprise!  Even having a surprise day off, we accomplished a lot this week.  We spent the week discussing the importance of manners and how we can best show good manners at home and school.  During our guidance lesson this week Ms. Dobol read the book, How Full Is Your Bucket by Tom Roth.  We discussed that we can fill our bucket each day by showing kindness and respecting others.  Our bucket empties when we are mean to others on purpose.

Please keep in mind that when your child is going to miss school you need to call the office.  When they return they will need a note explaining why they were absent.  If you need to pick your child up early (except in an emergency), please send a note in advance.

As a reminder, we are no longer taking quiet time after lunch.  This has been a little tough on a couple of the children this week, as they were tired!  Instead, our time is being divided into silent reading and whole-group read aloud.

Sick Children:  Unfortunately, it is flu season L.  Please remember that as much as we try to protect the kids by having them wash their hands and we disinfect the classroom each night, we still need your help.  If your child requires any type of medication to keep a fever down, they should not be here!  Children should go 24 hours WITHOUT a fever before returning to school in order to minimize the spread of illnesses.  In addition, if your child is experiencing a cough that can only be controlled by continuously giving them cough drops, they should not be here!  Of course, if your child has not had a fever in 24 hours, but still requires medication that can be administered by our nurse, they should certainly attended school.  If your child is not going to make it to school, please call the office.  Students also need to bring a note the day they return to school stating why they were absent.  A note with a parent signature or a note from the doctor is required by the State of Ohio.

Religion:  This week we learned about the importance of helping our neighbors and community.  We learned that when we help each other we are showing God’s love.  We also talked about how many people there are in our community that help us every day – like policemen, firemen, garbage collectors, snowplow drivers, grocery store workers and teachers.
Language Arts:  This week we focused on beginning and ending sounds T/t/, as well as medial vowel sounds a, i, o.  We are focusing on learning how to spell words by segmenting each sound and writing the letters we hear to form words.

Read Aloud:  The read aloud books are chapter books read by me and discussed each day by the class.  We will utilize this time as an opportunity to explore reading strategies such as inference, comprehension, and making predictions.  We are currently reading My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannet.

Math:  This week we have focused on counting, comparing, and match sets containing 1-10 items.  We are also working on understanding the difference between greater than and less than.


Fri, January 13               2nd Quarter Grades close     
Mon, January 16          NO SCHOOL—MLK Day

Wed, January 18          Book Club

Mon, January 23          Report Cards

Wed, January 25          MASS—Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

Sun, January 29            11:00 MASS; 12:00-1:00 OPEN HOUSE
January 29-February 3  CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK!  Activities calendar will follow.

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