Friday, February 24, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of February 13, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of February 13, 2017

Although this was a short week, we were very busy.  Thank you to everyone that sent in goodies for our Valentine Party.   We had so many goodies that we decided to keep some for the next day, too.  On Tuesday we learned about a new fundraiser for our school.  We are selling Harry London chocolates.  Monies earned by the school will be used for enrichment programs for students, including helping to defray field trip costs.  The candy sale only lasts for 2 weeks.  Please remember that in order for your child to participate you must return the permission slip SIGNED.  You then become responsible for selling the 48 bars in the box.  All monies are due by TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28.

Religion:  This week we learned that Jesus is a sign of God’s love and that Jesus loves all children.  We also learned about Saint Valentine and that Valentine’s Day is a time to share love.
Language Arts:  This week we worked with H/h/ at the beginning of words.  We focused on increasing our comprehension skills by recognizing the title of a story, and how the title can give us clues about the story.  We also worked with activating prior knowledge, making predictions, as well as cause and effect.
Math:  This week we continued working with problem solving by creating and solving addition problems.  We continued to work with the commutative property and how it applies to addition (2 + 3 = 5 the same as 3 + 2 = 5).  We are working on decomposing numbers by working with number pairs that equal 6-9.  We are continuing to work hard at counting backward from 20.

Thurs, February 16        Conferences (3:00-7:30)
Fri, February 17             NO SCHOOL

Mon, February 20        NO SCHOOL
Wed, March 1               Ash Wednesday
                                          Field Trip Permission slips due (NO cost for this trip J)
Thurs, March 2               Read Across America; Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

Fri, March 10                  FIELD TRIP—Akron Art Museum 

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