Friday, April 7, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of April 3, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of April 3, 2017

This was another busy, fun week in kindergarten.  We were really excited that the flower bulbs we planted in the fall have come up in our flower beds next to the gym! We have been learning about the 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  While reading This is Our Earth written by Laura Lee Benson, we learned that it is important to respect and reduce the amount of natural resources we use – even as kindergarteners!  We can turn off the lights when we leave a room, turn the water off as we brush our teeth, and ride our bike or walk instead of driving places.  In the book Once I Was a Cardboard Box – But Now I’m a Book About Polar Bears! by Anton Poitlier was made entirely from recycled materials.  The book had wonderful information and pictures about polar bears.  But, on each page was a cartoon strip that explained the link between recycling and the environment.

Although the weather was less than desirable, it was fun having a chance to ride on the Metro Bus to the main Akron library.  At the library we read books with the librarian, made a craft, and had a tour of the Children’s Library. 

Religion:  This week we learned that prayer flows for our thankfulness for God’s love.  We started learning about the Passion of Jesus.  We had an opportunity to walk the Stations of the Cross with Fr. Pfeiffer, 3rd and 4th grade.
Language Arts:  This week we worked on blending sounds to decode words.  We focused on associating picture names with initial M/m/.  We worked on increasing our comprehension skills by using prior knowledge, generating questions and to make predictions.  We focused on memory words: no, of, I.
Math:  This week we focused on reading, writing, and counting numbers 16-19.  We used several techniques to help us count accurately to 20.

Language Arts—Reading and writing N/n/ words; synonyms & antonyms
Math—Geometry – two dimensional shapes

Sun, April 9              Palm Sunday
Wed, April 12          K/1 Book Club
SPRING BREAK:  April 14-21, 2017
Sun, April 16            Easter
Sat, April 22             Earth Day; EarthFest at the Berea Fairgrounds
Wed, April 26          LAST BOOK CLUB!!

Thurs, May 4           NO SCHOOL FOR KINDERGARTEN – Kindergarten screening

Thurs, May 11         Art Show (information to follow)

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