Thursday, March 29, 2018

Holy Thursday Retreat




Reading with our SuperKid Friends

Dietzel Diary - Week of March 26, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of March 26, 2018

This was a quick week but we accomplished a lot.  We finished up our math unit on teen numbers.  We also made great progress with our SuperKids reading books.  We are very focused on comprehension strategies.  This week we worked with using prior knowledge, answering questions about a story, and describing a setting.  We finished our Read Aloud, Charlotte’s Web.  We enjoyed watching the animated movie and then comparing and contrasting the book and movie.  The best part of the week was our Thursday Retreat!

Holy Thursday Retreat:  We participated with PreK-8th grade students on a Lenten Day Reflection.  We visited four different stations and ended with the entire school participating in a prayer service.

Station 1:  The Last Supper
We saw pictures of the disciplines and Jesus as they sat during the last supper.  We read the scripture readings from Mark 12:12-21.  We discussed who was at the last supper, where it took place, and the meaning behind the bread and wine.  We then shared bread and grape juice together.  We also made table tents for Haven of Rest to use during their Easter Dinner.

Station 2:  Stations of the Cross
We traveled the 14 stations throughout the building.  The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as we moved from station to station. At each station, we read and meditated on a specific event from Christ's last day. Specific prayers were recited, and then we moved to the next station until all 14 were complete.

Station 3:  Easter/Resurrection
This activity was all about symbolism.  We made “empty tomb” rolls.  We took a marshmallow (Jesus), anointed Him in oil (rolled in butter), then covered in spices (cinnamon and sugar).  We wrapped Him up (in a crescent roll) and it was again covered in butter and spices.  Once the rolls were baked we broke them open to find that “Jesus” was gone!  The kids were amazed that the marshmallow was gone.  Of course, they enjoyed eating their rolls too!

Station 4:  Easter/Resurrection, Part 2
We colored, glued and worked together to create a 3D representation of Jesus in the tomb. 

Prayer Service:  We ended our Retreat with a Prayer Service.  We sang songs, prayed together as a school, and Prayed before the cross that has had prayers nailed to it during the Lenten season.

(First day back is Tuesday, April 10)

Thurs, 4/12    NO BOOK CLUB!!


Wed, 4/18     FIELD TRIP (rescheduled):  Akron Art Museum
Thurs, 4/19    Book Club


Dietzel Diary - Week of March 19, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of March 19, 2018

The snow day in the middle of the week threw us off a bit this week.  We will be rescheduling our field trip to the Akron Art Museum for after Spring Break.  Each day we have talked about different ways to be a good person and what types of things we are thankful for.  We have learned that material things (like an xBox, special shoes, or toys) are not what are really important things in our lives.  We have been focused on recognizing that having choices on where we live and go to school, good health, having parents, siblings and grandparents are much more important.

Religion:  This week we learned that prayer flows from thankfulness to God.  Jesus teaches us to thank God for love.
Language Arts:  This week we worked on following directions and locating words, punctuation and sentences within a story.  We learned how to read a rebus story.  A rebus story replaces some words with a picture.  We worked with punctuation – periods, explanation marks, and questions marks.  Our comprehension skill focus was on using prior knowledge, answering questions about a story, compare and contrast, and recognizing idioms.
Math:  This week we focused on reading, writing, and counting numbers 18-19.  We practiced solving problems by using different strategies.  We used draw a picture and used objects to represent numbers.  We are learning to recognize number words 18-19. 
Science:  This week we started learning about ocean life.  We used the book to talk about environments, as well as how good friends share.

Language Arts:  Beginning sound M/m.  Word families –ent, -ut.
Math—Monday Chapter 7 Test; start Chapter 8 Geometry

Mon, 3/26     Report Cards
Thurs, 3/29    Holy Thursday Retreat; NO BOOK CLUB!!
Fri, 3/30          Good Friday; 1st Day of Spring Break

(First day back is Tuesday, April 10)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thank you Miss Francine for reading to us about St. Patrick's Day.

Magic words appeared when we painted our shamrocks.

Happy Pi Day!

We talked about Pi Day, 3.14, the first three significant digits of pi really being about about the mathematical constant 'pi'.  We decided to celebrate with eating pie was much more fun!

Dietzel Diary - Week of March 12, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of March 12, 2018
We had a yummy time eating pie on National Pi Day.  We had apple, cherry and pumpkin to choose from.  We had so much fun celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day on Friday!  We read stories about shamrocks and leprechauns. It was really fun painting shamrocks to find hidden words.  Thank you Miss Francine for sharing a Saint Patrick Day story with us!   In Religion class we even learned that there was a real Saint Patrick!

Religion:  This week we learned about Saint Patrick.  He lived in Ireland a long time ago.  When he was young he was kidnapped by Irish pirates.  He eventually escaped and returned to Britain where he became a cleric.  He then returned to Ireland to help the people of Northern and Western Ireland.
Language Arts:  This week we worked on identifying and associating picture names with initial N/n/ sound.  We worked with understanding when to use a question mark and practiced writing them.  We learned to recognize the difference between using positional words ‘on’ and ‘in’.  Our reading comprehension skill focus this week was:  using prior knowledge, answering questions about a story, compare and contrast and recognizing idioms.  When we are reading aloud we are practicing how to read with expression.
Math:  This week we focused on reading, writing, and counting numbers 1-17.  We practiced solving problems by using different strategies.  We used draw a picture and used objects to represent numbers.  We are learning to recognize number words 11-17.  We are doing a great job counting backwards from 20!.
Science:  This week we finished our insect unit.  Be sure to ask your child what they learned!   We really liked watching A Bug’s Life and trying to figure out which bugs were insects.
Social Studies:  This week we learned about the four seasons.  We listed characteristics of each season.

Language Arts:  Beginning sound M/m.  Word families –ent, -ut.
Math—Compose and decompose numbers 18-19; story problem strategies.

Mon, 3/19      Mass – St. Joseph Day
Wed, 3/21      Field Trip: Akron Art Museum
Thurs, 3/22      Book Club

Mon, 3/26      Report Cards
Thurs, , 3/29    Holy Thursday Retreat
Fri, 3/30           Good Friday; 1st Day of Spring Break

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dietzel Diary - Week of March 5, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of March 5, 2018
This has been a tough week in kindergarten.  We had 4-6 kids out sick every day L.  Please remember that as much as we try to protect the kids by having them wash their hands and we disinfect the classroom each night, we still need your help.  If your child requires any type of medication to keep a fever down, they should not be here!  Children should go 24 hours WITHOUT a fever before returning to school in order to minimize the spread of illnesses.  In addition, if your child is experiencing a cough that can only be controlled by continuously giving them cough drops, they should not be here!  Of course, if your child has not had a fever in 24 hours, but still requires medication that can be administered by our nurse, they should certainly attend school.  If your child is not going to make it to school, please call the office.  Students also need to bring a note the day they return to school stating why they were absent.  A note with a parent signature or a note from the doctor is required by the State of Ohio.

Religion:  This week we gained a deeper awareness of Jesus’ friendship.  We understand that friends of Jesus gather on Sunday.  We also discovered that the Bible is God’s storybook.
Language Arts:  This week we encoded word families –ub, -ag, -ug.  We are getting really good at discovering rhyming words!  We worked with initial sound R/r.  We read rebus sentences and matched upper and lower case letters.  Our vocabulary focus this week included:  many, few, some, plenty, a pinch of, a bunch of.
Math:  This week we completed our subtraction unit.  We are working with modeling and using objects to represent teen numbers.  We are reading story problems and figuring out how to solve problems.
Science:  This week we learned about insects.  We learned that insects have 3 body parts, an exoskeleton, and 6 legs.  We discovered that some insects live under water, some in the desert, and some can fly.  We also learned that insects use their antennae to smell and feel.
Social Studies:  This week we learned about being a good citizen.  We focused on ways to resolve conflicts.

Language Arts:  Beginning sound N/n.  We will be working with position words on and in.  Our memory word will be no.
Math—Representing, counting, and writing numbers 14-19.

Thurs, 3/15      K/1Book Club
Fri, 3/16           Grades Close
Wed, 3/21      Field Trip: Akron Art Museum
Mon, 3/26      Report Cards

Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

Koen read Are You My Mother?

Mrs. Hinman read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Mr. Raun read And To Think That It Happened on Mulberry Street

Miss Francine read Say What?

Mrs. Wood read The Lorax

Mrs. Lott read The Cat in the Hat

 Mr. DiBacco read Oh, the Places You Will Go!

Miss Dietzel read There's a Wocket in My Pocket!

Mr. Hausch read Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!

Miss Erin read Fox in Socks

Mr. Andy read Green Eggs and Ham

 Fr. Pfeiffer read Horton Hears a Who!

Fr. Pfeiffer passed out certificates from Horton