Monday, March 5, 2018

Dietzel Diary - Week of February 12, 2018

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of February 12, 2018
We had so much fun celebrating the 100th day of school!  We counted … and counted … and counted.  We even made a chart showing how we can count by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s.  We read books and sang the 100 Days song.  We drew pictures and wrote about what we will look like when we are 100 years old.  Thank you to everyone that sent in things we could count.  We really enjoyed the things we were able to put together and create a trail mix concoction!  We also celebrated Mardi Gras on Fat Tuesday.  We paraded throughout the school with our 1st and 2nd grade friends.

Religion:  This week we learned about the season of Lent.  We learned about the symbols for Ash Wednesday, and participated in the Mass.  We found out that the ashes placed on our foreheads were from burnt palms from last year’s Easter season.  We learned that why some people choose to give something up during Lent or some people like to do something extra during Lent.  We have also been talking about “random acts of kindness” and how they are good practice any time of year.

Language Arts:  This week we focused on the U/u/ sound at the beginning of words.  We also worked on medial vowel sounds – which is a tough thing to hear.  We are struggling the most with differentiating E/e/ and I/i/ sounds.  We learned a lot of new descriptive vocabulary words during our read aloud.  Our focus was on plain, glorious, fabulous, marvelous, victorious, mysterious, curious, nervous, industrious, courteous, hilarious, dangerous, delicious, generous, and cautious. We used our comprehension skills of understanding setting, characters, and using context clues.

Math:  This week started working with using expressions to represent subtraction equations within 5.  We are continuing to practice counting by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s and especially being able to count backwards from 20.  This week we have found time to play Around the World – which we LOVE!  Keep practicing those math facts at home!


Language Arts:  Focus on initial and medial U/u/ sounds.  We are also working on writing sentences to describe our illustrations.

Math:  We will be learning about subtraction.

Mon, Feb 19          NO SCHOOL
Thurs, Feb 22         K/1 Book Club
Thurs, March 2      Read Across America; Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

Please let me know if you would like to read your favorite Dr. Seuss book to the class on Thursday, March 2.

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