Friday, October 14, 2016

Dietzel Diary - Week of October 10, 2016

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of October 10, 2016
Thank you to all the parents that participated in our Student-Led Conferences.  I hope you enjoyed your child giving you a taste of all the fun things we do in our classroom – they were quite excited to sing to you and show you around.  It was also great having an opportunity to meet with each of you.  Please remember that your child has homework Monday-Thursday. If you see a paper WITHOUT a score on it – it’s probably homework J.  On Friday your child should be bringing home a classroom book to enjoy reading with you over the weekend.  We had our first Book Club Meeting on Wednesday.  We had so much fun reading with our 1st  and 8th grade friends.  The snack was pretty good too!  We still have several weeks in the Spring available for snack sign up.  I will be sending home a copy of the snack sign-up sheet, which includes all of our meeting dates for this school year.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21ST IS THE WALK-A-THON!!  This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.  Each student needs to bring in at least $50.00 in donations.  We will be leaving at 1:15.  Parents and younger siblings are welcome to join us!  If you ordered a walk-a-thon t-shirt your child may wear it, jeans, and tennis shoes to school.  If you did not order this year’s t-shirt, your child may wear their orange gym shirt or a previous year’s walk-a-thon t-shirt. 

Religion:  This week we continued to pray the Rosary each day.  It is such a calm time of the day to hear the children reciting the Hail Mary and the Glory Be each morning.  We learned that God creates and loves ALL people.  We also learned that because God loves us, we can love too.
Language Arts:  This week we worked with beginning and middle o /o/ sound words.  We met a new friend, Alf.  He likes adventures and animals.  We reviewed vocabulary words: mountain, palm tree, alligator, ostrich, cave, and lion.  The comprehension skills we worked on were using illustrations to help understand a story.
Math:  This week we started a new unit focused on matching sets and using a 5-frame to compare.  We learned about “same as”, “greater than” and “less than”.  We learned how to play War using a deck of playing cards so we could practice recognizing which numbers are greater and less than each other. 
Social Studies:   This week we worked on several different areas.  We learned about what the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance stand for.  We used position words (above, next to, in front of…) to look at different perspectives of the world.  We compared a globe and a map, as well as looked at Google Earth.    We talked about why we have rules.  We noticed that we may have different rules at home and school, but we have rules to keep us safe.

Language Arts:  We will be working with medial sounds /o/ and /a/.  We will also be working with beginning sound d/d/.
Math:  We will be working on representing, counting and writing numbers 6-9.
Wednesday, Oct. 19 – K/1 Book Club
Friday, Oct. 21 – Walk-a-thon
Wednesday, Oct. 26 – K/1 Book Club
Friday, Oct. 28 – End of 1st quarter; Halloween Parade & Party

Tuesday, Nov. 2 – 8:30 MASS (All Saints Day)

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