Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Activities

I recognize that we are all busy during the Holiday season, so just a couple of reminders:


v  Our Student Council is sponsoring a Giving Tree this year to benefit the children serviced by Haven of Rest.  Please consider donating new mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves.  We will collect donations until Friday, December 16th.

v  SANTA’S WORKSHOP!!!  Our class will be visiting Santa’s Secret Shop on December 6th.  I would appreciate you sending in a written list of whom your child may buy for, with the appropriate amount of money in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

v Breakfast with Santa.  9:00-11:00 in Boeke Hall on Saturday, December 10th.  A flyer was sent home last week.  DONATIONS for our class WINTER FUN! basket are needed by Wednesday, December 7th.

v  We have reading homework EVERY night.  If your child comes home with the same book as the night before it is because they were having difficulty reading it during small group work.  I will continue to send it home until they are comfortable reading the book.  Sometimes the entire group is struggling so just one book comes home.  If the same book comes home and a new book, it is because I believe your child will benefit from re-reading a book they are confident reading before trying to tackle the new book.

v  We have snack EVERY day.  Please send a healthy snack each day.  It does not have to be anything big, a snack bag of pretzels or a few pieces of cheese and a couple of crackers work great. 

v  As the weather gets colder and yuckier, you may want to send your child in boots.  That is no problem as we keep our boots in the hall outside our door.  Just remember to send shoes, too!

v  Interim reports go home December 5th.  Kindergarten does NOT receive interims.



December 6:           Feast of St. Nicholas; Santa’s Secret Shop

December 7:           Make Gingerbread Houses with 4th Grade Reading Buddies; Book Club K-1

December 8:           Breakfast with Santa auction basket items DUE!  Theme:  Winter Fun

Friday, Dec. 9          1:15 Hoban Orchestra

December 10:         Breakfast with Santa and Happy Birthday Jesus Celebration!


December 12:         6:30 Christmas Program K-4 (in classroom by 6:15)

December 13:         PAJAMA DAY!  We will be wearing our PJ’s and Polar Express activities.

December 14:         Book Club

December 16:         MASS; Birthday Party for Jesus


Christmas Break December 19, 2016 - January 4, 2017


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