Thursday, December 15, 2016

Dietzel Diary - Week of December 5, 2016

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of December 5, 2016

The countdown to Christmas was evident this week.  We have had such a great time preparing by doing daily readings about the Jesse Tree and through our Advent Calendar.  We placed the second flame on our Advent Wreath and learned that it symbolizes “peace”.  We also have had so much fun tracking our friend Gingy around the school.  He has had such great adventures as math, reading, and social studies in Junior High.  He has also visited the office and library.   This week we also spent time practicing for our Christmas Program MONDAY NIGHT AT 6:30.  The class is doing such a great job!  We are also having fun looking for our elf, Tiger.  He has been very sneaky this week, playing in the Christmas tree, hanging on the flag, and SmartBoard.  We had a great time creating our gingerbread houses with the assistance of our 4th grade reading buddies.  We also got to eat yummy gingerbread men!  On Friday we were treated to concert performed by the Hoban Orchestra.


Our annual Giving Tree is set up outside the office.  Please consider providing hats, mittens, and scarves to decorate our tree.  Donations will be given to Haven of Rest prior to Christmas.

Religion:  This week we learned about appreciating that families take care of us and give us God’s love.  We also learned that we should appreciate the friends God has given us and that God wants us to be a good friend to others.

Language Arts:  This week we finished working with our friend Icky.  We focused on cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and determining the main idea.  We have started working with word families to help us decode new words.  This week we focused on word families –ad and –id.

Math:  This week we have continued working on combinations of 10.  We are also working on recognizing number words zero to ten.  Each morning we are counting to 100 by 1’s, and we are counting backwards from 10.

Social Studies:  We continued learning about holiday traditions and symbols around the world.  This week we learned about Christmas and talked about some of our family traditions. 


Saturday, Dec. 10  BREAKFAST WITH SANTA!  (9:00-11:00 Boeke Hall)

Monday, Dec. 12  6:30 CHRISTMAS CONCERT  -  PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD IN THE CLASSROOM BY 6:15!  Boys wear dress pants and a button up shirt; girls wear a dress or skirt

Tuesday, Dec. 13    Polar Express Day/Pajama Day! (CLARIFICATION: Yes, we are

participating in the school concert IN OUR PJ’s.)

Wednesday, Dec. 16 – Mass; Birthday Party for Jesus

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