Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of March 20, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School

Week of March 20, 2017

This was a fun, busy week.  We started the week by attending Mass in honor of the Feast of Saint Joseph.  On Tuesday we went to Adoration, which is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus, who is believed to be present Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, under the appearance of the consecrated host.  We watched the movie, Nim’s Island, with our 4th grade friends.  We compared and contrasted the movie against the book.  We had a great time watching the school production of School House Rocks, Jr.  I hope you can join us this weekend!

School House Rock, Jr!

March 24 & 25 @ 7:00; March 26 @ 2:00

Religion:  This week in addition to learning about Saint Joseph, we learned that we are all friends of Jesus.  When we gather in Church we celebrate and thank God.

Language Arts:  This week we identified and associated pictures that started with /r/.  We worked with word families, ‘ub, ‘ag, ‘ug.  We worked on comprehension skills by reading a rebus story.  We used comprehension skills by making predictions, sequencing events, recognizing cause and effect, determining important ideas, and drawing conclusions.  We worked with vocabulary words: many, few, some, plenty, and phrases: a pinch of; and a bunch of.

Math:  This week we focused on reading, writing, and counting numbers 11-14.

We also worked with solving story problems using counters and 10 frames.

Science:  We learned about ocean life.  We have been reading fiction and non-fiction ocean books.  We have been exploring animal life and the environment.  We have been exploring lots of different seashells.  We really enjoyed being able to hear the ocean in the large conch shells. 


Language Arts—Reading and writing N/n/ words; punctuation focus:  exclamation and question marks.

Math—Compose and decompose numbers 15-18.

Fri, March 24          Report Cards

Wed, March 29     Book Club

Fri, April 7                 FIELD TRIP:  Akron Library

SPRING BREAK:  April 14-21, 2017

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