Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dietzel Diary - Week of November 27, 2017

Dietzel Diary
News from Kindergarten ~ Saint Paul School
Week of November 27, 2017
We had a GREAT week back from our Thanksgiving Break!  When we returned to school our classroom was decorated, the Christmas tree was set up in our classroom, as well as a Jesse Tree, our Advent Wreath with candles, and an Advent tree ornament calendar.  Each morning until Christmas break we will be reading a bible story and adding a symbol representing that story on our Christmas tree.  We are also filling a Jesse tree.  Jesse Trees are a very old Christmas Tradition that first started in medieval times. They are used to help tell the story of the Bible from creation to the Christmas Story.  We also got a visitor in our classroom – our own ELF ON THE SHELF, which we named ‘Jim-Bob’.

Thank you to everyone that donated to the canned food drive to benefit the Saint Paul Food Pantry.  Our school was able to donate over 1425 cans and boxes of food!  Our kindergarten class donated the most with 434!  We will celebrate our accomplishment with pizza party in January.

Our Student Council is sponsoring a Giving Tree this year to benefit the children serviced by the Peter Maurin Center.  Please consider donating new mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves.  We are collecting donations until Friday, December 15th.

Religion:  This week we learned that we should appreciate that families take care of us and give us God’s love.  We also learned about the Advent season and how this is a time of waiting.  We made Advent chains to use during the season.  
Language Arts:  This week we worked with beginning and ending /t/ sounds.  In addition, we are continuing to work on distinguishing our medial vowel sounds – focusing on /i/, /a/, and /o/.  We are focusing on learning how to spell words by segmenting each sound and writing the letters we hear to form words.
Math:  This week we have focused on counting, comparing, and match sets containing 1-10 items.  We are also working on understanding the difference between greater than and less than.

Reading – Initial and end sound /t/; initial /f/
Math – Combinations of 10

Tues, Dec. 5     Secret Santa Shop
Weds, Dec. 6    Saint Nicholas Day; Movie Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamCoat (bring a small pillow
or stuffed animal)
Thurs, Dec. 7    Book Club
Fri, Dec. 8         Last SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB ORDER Due

Sun, Dec.  10    4:30-7:00 Search for the Christ Child, Hudson United Methodist Church
Mon, Dec. 11    Movie & Dress Down Day for Walk-a-thon Winners (see list on back)
Tue, Dec. 12     6:30 PTO Meeting
Thurs, Dec.14   Polar Express Day/Pajama Day!; Book Club
Fri, Dec. 15       Make Gingerbread Houses with 4th Grade Reading Buddies

Tues, Dec. 19   6:30 CHRISTMAS CONCERT
Weds, Dec. 20  Mass; Birthday Party for Jesus; Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Walk-a-thon INCENTIVE List

Monday, December 11, 2017 DRESS DOWN DAY

 Monday December 11, 2017 MOVIE DAY


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